by: Shane hutton
So I have been here in the US for 5 weeks now & it has been a whirlwind. Whilst i have been here i have been trying to get all my things in order for the next leg of the trip, Ecuador to Patagonia. When i arrived the bike was in serious need of some love. After much deliberation on changing groupset ( thats the gears) to make it easier for when I have some monster climbs in the Andes, I decided to get a new one exactly the same as my old one. I figure if it was still running as well as it was after 15,000km I can`t go wrong with getting the same, so SRAM 1x 11 it is. I had a new chain put on, brake pads, front chain ring, & a new rear wheel built after the last one decided to crack up. I got some new Axiom panniers after having troubles with 2 sets of Thule. Although their customer service has been impeccable the attachment system just sucks so I am getting away from them. I`ve also got a new tent. Although my Mont Moondance 1 has been rock solid I just feel the need to get a tent that I can get my panniers in with me. The weather as I get further south looks like more rain & snow so I want to be able to store stuff out of the weather. Again after a lot of research I have decided on a Nemo Obi 2 lets see how it goes. I also invested in an MSR Dragonfly. After not being able to find Butane for the last month or 2 of South America I decided it would be a good idea to get something that I can burn all types of fuel with. The Dragonfly has great reviews & I have met many people traveling with them & they all swear by it. The biggest thing for me is the fact I will be able to simmer & actually cook food rather than just boil water. That will be a novelty after 8 months of boiling water. It`s going to be a bit of a transition for me going back to the bike. After being in the land of excess. It`s been great to spend time with my sister & nephews. We have been pretty busy doing a lot of fun stuff. I`ve been to watch the boys play sports & special days at school. I will miss these guys when I leave but i know i will be back again. I have eaten the best steak of my life & I`ve been to some pretty fancy restaurants. I have consumed enough coffee & chocolate to kill a horse. My intention was to gain some weight, I have certainly achieved that. So for now thats my little update......... Keep it rubber side down
Shane HuttonI am an ultra runner, Mountain biker, Packrafter, Climber, Ironman, Endurance Athlete Archives
December 2017